About Lori Pastor


Lori Pastor

Cleveland, Ohio Artist

Paintings, Jewelry, Vintage

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Creating is my passion! If I am not painting, I am creating jewelry. I originally started as an oil painter several decades ago and enthusiastically merged into painting on the back of glass with acrylic paints inspired by my trip to Italy. I started with small paintings and it expanded into painting on the back of large vintage windows. 

A hallmark of my paintings is the exuberant, lush use of color. I love color and how it affects each and every one of us on so many levels.

 Our first experience of color actually starts in the womb. Who knew right? There is not a color I do not love. I believe in using them all to create harmony and balance in all of my designs.

I have always been inspired by my garden that my father encouraged and helped me create. I definitely think I was manifesting one of his dreams that also turned out to be somewhere I love to spend my time painting in oils and reflecting about life. My father has since passed, but it will always remind me of the time we spent together. Another one of my beloved subjects is my furry family of five cats and dog, Honey Do. I truly love cats' independent spirit, their freedom to nap at any moment, and their ability to find the simplest things intriguing.

Creating jewelry evolved from my intense attraction to vintage findings including shoe buckles, unique buttons, cameos, cabochons, Cracker Jack charms, game board pieces and the list goes on. There is such fulfillment in repurposing and creating something new from something old. When sifting through my vintage findings my mind starts ticking like I am solving a puzzle. I look forward to putting all the pieces together into something exceptional. When someone is attracted to my creations, I also know they will be fascinated by the existing story that goes along with each unique piece. During the creative process each item is infused with joy, the story gives it meaning, and the person who adorns it gives it purpose. It is a happy union of bliss!

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